Addiction Recovery & Mental Health Articles

Why Choose DBT for Anxiety?

Why Choose DBT for Anxiety?

Living with anxiety can feel debilitating at times. Some symptoms can completely rob you of peace and quality of life. Anxiety therapy options are often focused on cognitive behavioral therapy, with or without the use of anti-anxiety medications. Today, we’re looking at a different approach to anxiety called Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to help individuals […]

What Is Rehab Therapy? Understanding Treatment Options

What Is Rehab Therapy? Understanding Treatment Options

Rehab therapy is a therapeutic approach that includes a range of options for substance abuse treatment. Understanding rehab therapy begins with acknowledging that addiction is a disease, and it’s one that millions of people suffer from.  Addiction requires treatment, similar to any other type of chronic disease. Some individuals need only short-term rehab care, while […]

Understanding Trauma Therapy and How It Can Help

Understanding Trauma Therapy and How It Can Help

Trauma, which can result from a range of life events, is something that many people experience in their lives. Trauma can come from being the victim of or witnessing violence, experiencing emotional or physical abuse, natural disasters, and any event that has a profound effect on a person’s emotional or mental well-being. Trauma responses can […]

Benefits Of Inpatient Treatment For Depression And Anxiety

Benefits Of Inpatient Treatment For Depression And Anxiety

Depression and anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health conditions that people are living with today. There are ways to manage them through outpatient therapy and medications, but sometimes, this isn’t enough, and more intensive treatment is needed. Inpatient treatment for depression and anxiety offers a different approach, providing an opportunity for more […]

When Should Someone Go to Rehab?

When Should Someone Go to Rehab?

Whether it’s yourself or someone you’re close to, it’s not always easy to assess when casual drug or alcohol use has transitioned to a problem, habit, or addiction. You might be seeing signs that substance use is beginning to affect your life, and impacting those around you. If you’re wondering when to seek addiction treatment, […]

What Is Outpatient Mental Health Treatment?

What Is Outpatient Mental Health Treatment?

It’s estimated that more than half of those in the United States with mental health conditions aren’t receiving the treatment they need. Multiple barriers can stand in the way, one of which is that inpatient mental health care is often inaccessible or not an option. Outpatient mental health care is an effective option that offers […]

How To Find The Best Depression Treatment Center

How To Find The Best Depression Treatment Center

Seeking treatment for depression is an important step in reclaiming one’s quality of life. Mental health conditions, including depression, can have a profound and far-reaching effect on every area of a person’s life. It’s important to know that help is available, but finding the best depression treatment center can feel overwhelming, especially when you’re already […]

What to Do When Someone Refuses Rehab

What to Do When Someone Refuses Rehab

Watching someone you care about struggle with addiction is difficult, and the effects on your own life can be profound. Someone with an addiction may seek treatment when encouraged by others, but this isn’t always the case. The person you care about may refuse treatment and react negatively to suggestions. If you’ve come up against […]

The Importance of Aftercare in Drug Addiction Recovery

The Importance of Aftercare in Drug Addiction Recovery

Addiction treatment is a vital step for working towards a life free from drugs or alcohol, but what happens after treatment is completed? Rehab programs often operate on a thirty or sixty-day schedule, but the need for support doesn’t automatically end when treatment is over. Aftercare programs in addiction recovery offer continued support and reduce […]

Strategies for Relapse Prevention in Addiction Recovery

Strategies for Relapse Prevention in Addiction Recovery

Battling addiction and making your way through to the other side of treatment is a significant accomplishment. The mental and physical work of addiction recovery is some of the most challenging you may ever face, and the journey is one that often comes with setbacks. Relapse is common, but you can overcome it. Using effective […]

What To Expect During Drug Addiction Treatment

What To Expect During Drug Addiction Treatment

One reason that someone may be apprehensive to enter addiction treatment is that they don’t know what to expect. For those who have never been in rehab, it’s uncharted territory full of unknowns. Having an understanding of what to expect during drug addiction treatment can help ease these uncertainties and prepare you for the important […]

The Importance of Family Involvement in Addiction Treatment

The Importance of Family Involvement in Addiction Treatment

Drug or alcohol addiction doesn’t just affect the individual, but also those who are closest to them. This includes family. The dynamics of family relationships can play a significant role in addiction and recovery and have either a positive or negative impact on treatment. At Rockland Recovery, we believe that family involvement in addiction treatment […]

Addressing Co-occurring Disorders in Addiction Treatment

Addressing Co-occurring Disorders in Addiction Treatment

The relationship between mental health and addiction is a complicated one. Nearly thirty-eight percent of individuals with substance abuse disorders are also living with a mental illness. Mental health conditions often go undiagnosed or undertreated. This increases the risk of addiction and relapse for those who have been through treatment. It’s important to address co-existing […]

The Role of Therapy in Drug Addiction Treatment 

The Role of Therapy in Drug Addiction Treatment 

Addiction is a disease that affects both the body and mind. On a physical level, the body overcomes addiction by detoxifying and adapting to not having the drug in its system. The physical aspects of overcoming addiction are challenging, but the best long-term outcomes also require treatment to help you overcome the mental side of […]

Benefits of Inpatient Vs Outpatient Drug Rehab

Benefits of Inpatient Vs Outpatient Drug Rehab

An important decision when entering addiction treatment is whether inpatient or outpatient rehab is best for your needs. The choice often comes down to where an individual is on their recovery journey and the level of support needed. Both inpatient and outpatient rehab offer benefits and feature an individualized approach to addiction treatment.  What Are […]

Steps for Choosing a Rehab Center in Massachusetts

Steps for Choosing a Rehab Center in Massachusetts

Recovering from addiction is one of the most significant challenges you may ever face, but you don’t have to travel this road on your own. The best drug rehab centers offer a full spectrum of addiction treatment options that can be tailored to your unique needs. The first important step to addiction recovery is to […]

Understanding Different Types of Drug Addiction 

Understanding Different Types of Drug Addiction 

Drug addiction is a complex disease that affects millions of people and their families across the country. Drug addiction includes a spectrum of addiction diseases, and understanding the different types of drug addiction is important for recognizing the signs and knowing when to seek help.  What All Types of Drug Addictions Have In Common Substance […]

Recognizing Early Warning Signs of Drug Addiction 

Recognizing Early Warning Signs of Drug Addiction 

Drug addiction is a progressive disease that might start with the experimentation of illegal drugs or pharmaceutical medications. Addiction doesn’t start as a full-blown disease but is more often characterized by a slow spiral of recreational use that turns into an addiction. Along the way, there are often early signs of drug use that can […]

How to Support a Loved One During Their Recovery Journey

How to Support a Loved One During Their Recovery Journey

Watching a loved one struggle with addiction is difficult. At Rockland RecoveryGroup in Massachusetts, we understand the challenges families face and are here to support individuals in recovery and their families. Supporting a loved one in recovery is one of the most important things you can do. However, the road forward isn’t always well-defined. At […]

Getting Back on Track After a Relapse In Addiction Recovery 

Getting Back on Track After a Relapse In Addiction Recovery 

Relapse during addiction recovery can feel discouraging, but it also presents an opportunity for growth and renewed commitment. By understanding the stages of relapse and seeking support, individuals can regain control of their journey and continue progressing toward lasting sobriety.